Information for Authors


Valuable findings investigating cellular or molecular organelle dynamics, physiological function of organelles, and activity of organelles in the context of human diseases will be considered for publication in Organelle. Organelles include, but are not limited to, membrane-bound mitochondria, ER, endosomes, autophagosomes, lysosomes, Golgi, peroxisomes, and exosomes, and membraneless nucleoli, Cajal bodies, P-bodies, and stress granules arising from liquid–liquid phase separation. Organelle is currently accepting submissions in the form of: research articles, research reports, and reviews.


Preparing your Manuscript:

Prior to submitting a manuscript, authors should read and acknowledge Organelle Editorial Policies outlining expectations for work published in Organelle


Formatting and structure:

Research articles 

Manuscripts should be submitted online as Microsoft Word files that are double spaced with wide margins and all pages numbered. 

Research reports are expected to contain each of the following sections:


Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files that are double spaced with wide margins and all pages numbered. 

Reviews should be shorter than 8,000 words and contain the following sections: 


Submitting your Manuscript 

Manuscripts will be submitted via the submissions tab. Along with your manuscript, please provide a Cover Letter addressing how your manuscript meets the standards of authorship, originality, quality research, and disclosure of conflict of interest outlined in Editorial Policies. In the Cover Letter, please include contact information for the Corresponding Author and name an Associate Editor - an individual with expertise in the field of research who has not collaborated with the authors within 3 years.